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Life-Cycle Management Services

NetHertz offers a full range of onshore, near shore and offshore process management solutions designed to integrate seamlessly with a client’s current business operations.

No two business processes meant for outsourcing are similar even though they might be from the same outsourcing corporation. Hence every process migration requires a carefully thought and experienced outsourcing process model. Working with both the outsourcing and delivery organizations for a long time, NetHertz has built a proven transition and performance model of diverse industry-specific business processes. The process involves the following high-level stages:

  • Transition Management: ensures seamless migration of the business process with due consideration given to process requirement assessment, legal compliance assessment, staffing plan, technology mapping plan, develop QA/QC systems and procedures, provision client-specific training at delivery organization and establish and implement connectivity plan
  • Operation Management: Once the project has been successfully migrated, each and every operational system and procedure are consistently managed and benchmarked against productivity enhancement matrices. NetHertz maintains consistent control and monitoring of the project to meet the stringent guidelines of business processes and ensuing productivity
  • Quality Management: ensures achievement of quality benchmarks, monitoring of SLAs, and continuous fine-tuning of QA/QC procedures